Bulgarian CHM - meta data management

I. About meta data. The successful development, operation and use of complex informational system heavily depends on the effective use and management of metadata. This metadata is needed for analysis, system design, development, usage and solving interoperability problems.

Bulgarian CHM works intensively on the interoperability of our National Clearing -House mechanism. One of the priorities is the metadata development and management.

There are two levels of document description:

a) Semantics: This refers to agreements about content description standarts. The DUBLIN CORE is the description standart adopted by Bulgarian CHM. More information about the DUBLIN CORE can be found on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative web site - http://www.dublincore.org

b) Structure: Bulgarian CHM uses the Resource Description Framework (RDF) model to specify semantic shemas so they can be shared.
Here is sample of .RDF files -

The portal web site -

The Bulgarian CHM Digital Library http://chm.moew.government.bg/rdf_files/library_251.rdf

II. Bulgarian CHM has meta data developed for:

1) Bulgarian CHM portal web site
2) Data base and web application dealing with books, articles, periodicals, reports, volume editions, book series, publications and ÑD editions in the field of Biodiversity.

III. We plan to develop meta databases for all structured data in the Bulgarian CHM:

  • Data base and web application dealing with Specialists, Projects/Programs and Institutions/Organizations in the field of biodiversity

  • Data base and web application dealing with books, articles, periodicals, reports, volume editions, book series, publications and ÑD editions in the field of Biodiversity - http://chm.moew.government.bg/searchMen.cfm

  • Data base and web application dealing with the National Forestry Board, the Regional Forestry Boards, the State Forestries (SF) and the State Game Breeding Stations (SGBS) - http://www.new.nug.bg/rug/rugen/

  • Data base and web application dealing with the Protected areas of Republic of Bulgaria - http://chm.moew.government.bg/pa/paen/




Òål: (+359 2) 940 66 43, 940 66 11
E-mail: chmbg@moew.government.bg