Bulgarian CHM - technological base

I. For the development of the Bulgarian CHM are used the following technologies:

Platform: Windows 2000, Linux

Programming languages: HTML + JavaScript, Dynamic HTML, CSS, CFLM, PHP, XML and XML-RPC, Web Services and SOAP, Metadata and content description ( Dublin Core, RDF)

Development Tools: MySQL, ColdFusion MX, PHP

Graphics tools: variety

II. For the needs of the Bulgarian CHM were developed:

- special Content Management System (CMS). It is used for a number of web sites, serving the CHM. Please find the main features and the potentials of the system.

- Databases and the corresponding web applications - please find short descriptions and web addresses here.

- Meta databases - more information here:

* for the Bulgarian CHM portal web site
* for the Biodiversity Digital Library at the Bulgarian CHM

- Sample web service for the Bulgarian CHM Digital Library - more information here




Òål: (+359 2) 940 66 43, 940 66 11
E-mail: chmbg@moew.government.bg