About the workshop
The workshop Identification, Protection and Management of Landscapes based on Natura 2000 was organized by the Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water ( ) with the support of the Technical Assistance Information Exchange Unit ( ) of the European Commission. The aim of the meeting was to provide participants with a clear view, on the one hand, of the synergies between the European nature protection legislation and landscapes, and, on the other hand, of the urgent need to protect and manage landscapes as a means to maintain the world cultural heritage. It was expected that a concept for the approach to transpose the European Landscape Convention in the Bulgarian legislation would be elaborated in the course of the panel discussions that took place during the event.
Conclusions and recommendations
One-page English summaries of the conclusions and recommendations from the panel discussions are available for download:
The full versions of the conclusions and recommendations can be downloaded in Bulgarian only from the Bulgarian version of the site.
Download area
This section contains the presentations delivered at the workshop, together with photos from the event and additional sources. Left-click on a title to view a document. To download a document, right-click on its title and choose "Save Target As…" from the drop-down menu.
Mr. Hervé
LETHIER, Consultant, France
Mart KÜLVIK, Estonian Agriculture University, Estonia
Mart KÜLVIK, Estonian Agriculture University, Estonia
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