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Institution/organization information
Name Institute of Biology and Imunology of Reproduction/ Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Phone +359 2/ 971 13 95; fax: +359 2/72 00 22
Manager Rayna Georgieva
E-mail ibir@abv.bg
Web site ibir.bas.bg
Head office 73 Tzarigradsko shose, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Category Science Institute
Science area Public awareness and education

The scientific investigations of the Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction are directed to fundamental and applied studies in the field of biology and immunology of reproduction in animals and in humans. The investigations on the cryobiology of the gametes, artificial insemination of animals and improvement of the fertility in animals and in humans are traditional for the Institute.
A new interdisciplinary trend is created at the Institute – immunology of reproduction, which includes the problems of the reproductive biology and basic immunology. In recent years the scientific research in the Institute has been directed to the elucidation the recognition mechanisms and cellular relations in gametogenesis and fertilization; the mechanisms of autoreactivity and the autoimmune response; the modulating role of melatonin in chronobiological processes; regulatory factors and immune mechanisms in implantation and pregnancy; structural and functional alterations of the gametes and prognosis of their biological potential in low temperature anabiosis; immunological problems in assisted reproduction in humans and embryotransfer technology in animals.

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