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Biodivervity in Bulgaria :: BD and agriculture

The development of agriculture in Bulgaria currently undergoes changes in terms of introducing and applying sustainable agricultural practices and policies which are in accordance with the ones in the European Union (EU). This process has certain institutional, legislative and social aspects.

According to the vision for the National Agri-environment Program, the development of agriculture in Bulgaria should take into account the nature advantages of the country, its varied relief, as well as the process of harmonization of legislation with that of the EU. With regard to the agri-environment these two tendencies are synchronized.

“There are several mountain ranges in Bulgaria where the habitats and species are of pan-European importance. Their conservation depends on the maintenance of the existing extensive agricultural practices, especially with regard to the animal breeding. The preservation of the local breeds, which are often connected with different mountainous zones, contributes to the maintenance of rich genetic diversity at European level. Bulgarian wetlands and dry habitats like the coastal strips also lead to the increase of the habitats diversification related to the extensive agriculture” (National Agri-environment Program).

The institutions, organizations and programs in Bulgaria that carry out the national policy related to agriculture and biodiversity are described below.

State Fund Agriculture


The State Fund Agriculture has been established in 1998 under the Agricultural Producers Support Act to provide financial support to agricultural producers under state aid programmes, pre-accession SAPARD Programme, Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) of the European Union, including the Rural Development Programme.
         The State Fund Agriculture is accredited by the European Commission as SAPARD Agency and Paying Agency. The conditions and procedures for the financial support under SAPARD Programme as well as the requirements to the beneficiaries are defined by Ordinances of the Minister of Agriculture and Food according to the National Development Plan for Agriculture and Rural Areas and the Multi-annual Financial Agreement under the Special Pre-accession Programme of the European Union for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas in the Republic of Bulgaria.
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry
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Association AGROLINK

Additional information on biodiversity resources and their sustainable use is provided by

Biodiversity and Business Information Node .

AgroWeb Central and Eastern Europe Network

 AgroWeb Central and Eastern Europe Network is created in order to collect and provide information on agricultural institutions and other important agriculture related subjects to help users to find information and contacts in Central and Eastern European countries and former USSR:


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