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Biodivervity in Bulgaria :: BD and forestry

According to the vision for the development of the forest sector “the Bulgarian forest is of national value. The forest ecosystem resources preserve their ecological, social and economic functions in order to improve the quality of life of the people. The forests are managed profesionally by a stable forest sector with guaranteed wide support of the society, and mutual respect and integration of the interests of all stakeholders” (National Forest Policy and Strategy).

The objectives of the National Forest Policy and Strategy, as the main document providing guidelines for development of the forest sector in Bulgaria, are:

- Multifunctional managing of the forests and sustainable development of economically effective forest sector;

- Conforming the aims and instruments of forest sector sustainable development to the international criteria and signed agreements;

- Creating possibilities for future national and international funding in support of the sector development.

The institutions and organizations, in charge of carrying out the national policy in the field of forestry and biodiversity, along with the programs and projects of national importance are listed below.

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry


Executive forest agency (EFA) is legal entity finance by the budget – secondary manager with budget credits by the Ministry of Agriculture, head office of EFA is in capital Sofia.
Agency is an administration which supports the Executive director by implementing his prerogatives, provide him technical assistance and provide all administrative services for citizens and legal entities.
Leader and representative of EFA is the Executive director.
Contractual relationships with the Executive director are executed, change and terminate from minister of agriculture and foods after preliminary coordination with Prime Minister.

National Forest Policy and Strategy

National Strategy for Development of the Forestry Sector in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2013 – 2020

The National Strategy for 2013-2020 includes the contribution of the forest sector to climate mitigation as part of the strategic vision for 2013-2020. It further lays down three strategic objectives for the medium term:

1. Ensure sustainable development of the forestry sector by achieving an optimal balance between environmental functions and provision of long-term economic benefits and services
2. Enhance the role of forests in the economic growth of the country and balanced regional socio-economic development
3. Increase the contribution of the forest sector in the green economy”.

The corresponding priorities are:
1. Maintaining healthy, productive and multifunctional forest ecosystems that contribute to mitigating climate change
2. Conservation, restoration and maintenance of biological and landscape diversity in forest areas
3. Enhancing the vitality and competitiveness of the forest sector
4. Exploiting the potential of the forest sector to contribute to development of green economy.”

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