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CHM services :: Databases

Bulgarian CHM portal web site offers a wide range of services for access, use and exchange of information in the field of biodiversity in Bulgaria.

Part of these services is formed by the databases and web applications of CHM. They provide opportunities for not only searching the existing information but also for including additional information in these databases by the users themselves. Searching service can be simple search (by a key word) or advanced search.

The databases and their web applications within the framework of the Bulgarian CHM are Institutions/Organizations-Specialists- Programmes/Projects; Publications; National Forestry Board; Protected Areas; University Programmes. A short description of each of them along with their web-sites is given below.

A full list of the services of Bulgarian CHM is presented in BULGARIAN CHM GUIDE

Database and web application dealing with the NATIONAL FORESTRY BOARD

The database is maintained by the National Forestry Board- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. It provides standardized information about Regional Forestry Boards, State Forestry and Game Breeding Stations in Bulgaria. The information includes category, name, position, general information, location, geographical position, relief, hydrological conditions, climate, geological texture, soils, vegetation, characterization of the forest fund, sanitary condition of the forest, extra uses, medicinal plants, species from the Red Data Book, hunting and fishing, protected areas and contact information.

There is possibility for publishing maps of each territory. The database uses Content Management System.

Search service: http://www.new.nug.bg/rug/rugen/

Databases/web application dealing with the ACADEMIC PROGRAMS IN THE FIELD OF BIODIVERSITY

Up to now, the database provides information for the academic curricula of Biological Department at Sofia University. These curricula are particularly orientated to studying, conserving, and maintaining biological diversity.

The searching of information could be organized in two ways: by Departments – selection of a Department from a falling menu with clarifying selection of courses; simple search – by typing word/ phrase, to search.

The maintenance of this database is possible through Content Management System.


Search service: http://biodiv.biofac.uni-sofia.bg/biodiv/biodiv.php

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