Education :: Мaterials at InternetInternet offers incredible possibilities for access to education materials: books, manuals, guide-books, information about university education and postgraduate training, teachers’ manuals, etc. Expedition Field Techniques - BIRD SURVEYS This book is a vital tool for everyone wishing to contribute to our knowledge of the worlds birds and to bird conservation. The methods in this book will enable the user to survey birds simply and effectively.
Conservation Project Manual The basic aim of this book is to help people to improve the process by which they go about planning and managing small to medium-sized conservation projects. Guides for NGOs in South Eastern Europe To respond to the training needs of environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in South Eastern Europe, a set of user-friendly guides has been produced under the publication series “Developing Skills of NGOs." Experts from South Eastern Europe were involved in producing the guides. World Wide Fund: Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Areas Management (RAPPAM) Author: J. Ervin; 2003; Gland, Switzerland The Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Areas Management (RAPPAM) methodology provides protected areas agencies with a country-wide overview of the effectiveness of protected area management, threats, vulnerabilities and degradation. It is based mainly around workshops and questionnaires and provides an overview of effectiveness of protected area systems along with follow-up recommendations. It is considered an important first step in assessing and improving protected area management. In Bulgaria the methodology has been used to assess the management effectiveness of the national and nature parks in the country. The study has been conducted by the Bulgarian office of WWF Danube Carpathian Programme. RAPPAM Methodology (PDF file, 4.8 MB) High Conservation Value Forests: PRO Forest Toolkit December 2003 Authors: Steve Jennings, Ruth Nussbaum, Neil Judd and Tom Evans
“All forests contain environmental and social values, such as wildlife habitat, watershed protection or archaeological sites. Where these values are considered to be of outstanding significance or critical importance, the forest can be defined as a High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF)".
Part 1: Introduction to HCVF (PDF file)
Part 2: Defining High Conservation Values at a national level: a practical guide (PDF file)
Part 3: Identifying and managing High Conservation Values Forests: a guide for forest managers (PDF file)
PROFOREST website provides more information materials on variety of forests and forestry related topics such as sustainable forestry and forest certification.