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Business and biodiversity :: Projects and programs

The present section presents projects and programs, active in the domain of support of sustainable business practices.


Job Opportunities through Business Support (JOBS) Project

The Job Opportunities through Business Support (JOBS) Project is implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The JOBS Project aims to foster a sustainable environment for job creation by supporting micro and small businesses and agricultural producers in regions of Bulgaria confronting high unemployment levels. To date, the JOBS network spans 37 Business Centers and Business.

BAS Programme

The EBRD BUSINESS ADVISORY SERVICE (BAS) PROGRAMME operates a network to assist the development of small and medium sized enterprises in the Baltics, Asia, NW Russia, the Samara region and South Eastern Europe. The BAS programme is currently operational in 11 countries and has completed successfully more than 3,500 projects.


  • Cooperation in selecting the most suitable local consultants to solve specific business problems and to carry out particular consulting assignments; where the local expertise is not available to meet the particular needs of an enterprise, outside consultants are brought in to work and share their skills with the local consultants.

  • Grant of up to 50% of the total net cost of a project to a maximum of EUR 9,000.
UN Global Compact

The Compact calls on companies to embrace ten universal principles in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environment and anti - corruption to be integrated into companies’ core business strategy and in every day business practices. The Global Compact is a learning network with participation and support from companies, UN bodies, business associations, NGOs and trade unions in promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and ethical business standards.

UNDP draws on global expertise to help Bulgarians build sustainable livelihoods through nature conservation and sustainable energy practices. UNDP involvement ranges from policy and strategy advice and options in natural resource management and energy services to demonstration projects.
Programme for agriculture development of rural areas in Strandja - Sakar
Wetlands Resoration And Pollution Reduction Project

The development objective of Wetlands Resoration And Pollution Reduction Project is that local communities and local authorities in the Persina Nature Park and Kalimok/Brushlen Protected Site areas adopt sustainable natural resources management practices. The project will help demonstrate how environmentally-friendly rural development activities can improve livelihoods

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