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Public profile of a specialist

Public profile
Name Boyan Petrov Milchev
Address Department of Zoology and Anthropology, Faculty of Biology, University of Sofia 8 Dragan Tzankov boul., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone 63 30 250
E-mail milchev@biofac.uni-sofia.bg
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1981-1986 Student at Faculty of Biology, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" 1986 MSc in Zoology, diploma thesis "Amphibians in Sofia" 1991 PhD degree, thesis: "Ornithoceonological study of the bird fauna in the Bulgarian part of Strandja mountains"  
Teaching activity: Lecturer in Ornithology Research: Monitoring research of the Eagle Owl, the Egyptian Vulture and the Golden Eagle in South- east Bulgaria; ornithocoenological study in the Bulgarian part of the Strandja mountains; nature-preserving activities in South-east Bulgaria - Proposals for announcements of 14 protected areas in the regions of the Strandja mountains and Burgas lakes. Expert of "Wetlands Veleka - Silistar" - Project of the Kingdom of Monaco and of "Strandja - conservation of biodiversity and sustainable agricultural development" Project of the Bulgarian-Swiss Biodiversity Conservation Programme.  
Work areas
  • Science/Zoology/Vertebrates
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