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Public profile of a specialist

Public profile
Name Angel Ivanov Vassilev
Address Department of Zoology and Anthropology, Faculty of Biology, University of Sofia 8 Dragan Tzankov boul., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone 63 30 328
E-mail vassilev@biofac.uni-sofia.bg
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1987 Master of Sciences in biology Thesis: “ The influence of led pollution on the frequency of the chromosomal aberrations in mice.” 1988 – 1993 PhD student at Severtson Institute of Animal Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 1993 PhD degree, Thesis: “A Geographic Variability of Earthworms (Oligohaeta, Lumbricina) population in the Oak Forests of Russian Plain” 1994-95 Expert in the National Center for Environment and Sustainable Development since 1995 Assistant Prodessor  
Teaching activity Lecturing in Theriology Research interests: Earthworms - systematic, distribution, faunistic diversity, Bulgarian fauna, cultivation, bioproduct production. Mammalia - systematic, zoogeographic distribution, comparative anatomy, paleontology. Micromammalia. Zoomonitoring - invertebrates and vertebrates.  
Work areas
  • Science/Zoology/Vertebrates
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